
The Seven Pillars of Prospecting in Estate Agency

RAT 135 (Rawlings Agency Tip)

The Seven Pillars of Prospecting in Estate Agency

Firstly, whatever you might hear in the news, don't spend too much time fretting over what 2015 will hold - the election, OTM, competitors' stupid low fees, etc and deflation in the Eurozone! Just crack on and ignore it all, that’s what I say! If your market share is, say, 10% then that’s 90% of home-movers you have yet to impress enough to gain their instruction.

But first, you have to get in front of them, especially at this time of year. The timing is important here because anything you bring on in the next three months is hopefully quite likely to sell as a result of the buyer activity associated with the spring market, rather than missing the boat and coming on with everything else in March /April.

I have always found that the fastest way of gaining saleable instructions from committed sellers is toprospect properties currently failing to sell with your competitors (no doubt because the other agent overpriced it to get the instruction). This is the low-hanging fruit that is there to be harvested!

I have therefore produced a series of short videos based around my “Seven Pillars of Prospecting” concept. I’ll be releasing these over the next few weeks and you can watch the first one right now by clicking the link here.